Thursday, December 8, 2011

Riley's first soccer season

We decided to sign Riley up for soccer this fall.  She does gymnastics but I think she is more of a soccer type of girl.  The league is a very easy going, parent participating, non competive league.  Lewis actually volunteered to be the assistant coach.  He did a great job too!  Riley really had a great time.  Her and her friend Marley were the only girls on the team but it still was great.  Riley always had a smile on her face and always tried hard.  She may not have been the best on the team but she did awesome.  We need to teach our sweet little girl how to be aggressive.  I think she didn't want to steal the ball away from people because she is too!  She ended up scoring 2 goals this season and was sooooo happy about that.  All in all she had so much fun and loved it.  I am very proud of her, she was one of the only kids on the team that didn't cry and whine all the time...the joys of 3 year old soccer.  She wanted to play for the winter season so we will be bundled up playing again....and this time Mackenzie wanted to try it too :)


Unknown said...

When does winter season begin? You'll have to get those little pouches that get warm when you squeeze them to keep your fingers from freezing.

Andrea said...
