Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Gymnastics Program

The girls had their gymnastics program last night.  For those of you that don't know Mackenzie is on the pre-team and practices 6 hrs a week.  Yes, this sounds like a lot but trust me, she would be there everyday if she could.  Riley goes once a week and LOVES it.  This was Riley's first "performance", and she loved it.  Mackenzie usually gets really nervous and cries at some point but she didn't last night :)  She was very excited instead of nervous.  I was so proud of both my girls!  Here are some pictures.

Here is a video of Riley doing her stuff.  She did great!  She was on of the only ones that did everything by herself.  So proud of her.  And she is proud of her medal!

Here is a video of Mackenzie's performance.  Her team decided to do a dance and they only had 4 practices....then they changed the routine so they weren't quite ready.  Mackenzie still did great though, she said that the part that she just was standing there it was because they took that part out, poor thing was so confused on what to do. No matter how she did I was very proud because she was so confident!

1 comment:

Caren said...

They are both so cute!! Mackenzie's dance was really good, especially with so little practice and Riley did awesome.