Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Fun

I know it has been a VERY LONG TIME but I am going to try this blogging thing out again.  I love reading about my friends families so I figure they might want to read about my family.

So I am going to fill you in on all of our Halloween Fun this year. The first thing we did was go to the harvest festival that our community did.  It was at a park right behind our house.  We met some friends there that we met at Mackenzie's school.  They have 2 girls that are our girls ages...perfect :)  So, there was a lot to do, the girls picked out pumpkins and decorated them, rode a ride, went in a bounce house thing, played games, danced, and ate junk food.  The best part is that everything was free....yes, you heard me right....FREE!!  It was a fun day, a little hot, but fun.

Riley found her Pumpkin :)
Here are the girls with their decorated pumkins.

Yummy Cotton Candy!!

My girls had a hard time figuring out how to eat this....love the frustating look of Riley :)

The next thing we did was with the same family, we went to a pumpkin patch.  It was fun.  They had a petting farm, rides, jumping castles, slides, etc.  The pumpkins here were VERY expensive so the girls only got a tiny one here.

Then we went trick or treating.  We went with the same friends again.  We went around our neighbor hood.  Here is Las Vegas people go all out.  They decorate their houses with tunnels, smoke machines, strobe lights etc.  They also hand out great candy.  The girls even got 4 full size candy bars each!!  The girls had a blast running door to door.  Riley made sure to say "thank you, happy halloween to everyone" which I thought was too cute!!

Beautiful Bride

Sweet Strawberry Shortcake

We met Gumby along the way....too bad the kids had no idea who he was.

cool house

Creepy Guy

They insisted on taking a picture with this pumpkin!

Headless Guy....lol!

Eating Candy....excuse Riley being naked :)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Sounds like a perfect Halloween to me! Except the cousins would have even more fun if they were together.